
Hey friends! I hope you’ve had an amazing week. I’ve been traveling the past week but I wanted to give you an update nonetheless. Although I wasn’t able to work on MA too much, I still was able to make some significant progress.

First of all, I’ve added placeholders for all the remaining rooms in the game. This way, as I’m building them out, I’ll be able to build them out quickly. Additionally, I’ve added basic UI buttons that control how the camera moves throughout the room. I’m super pleased with how this turned out. I wanted the player to be able to travel seamlessly throughout the different rooms without worrying about any load time or buffering. In order to do this, I have all of the different rooms built out on one big scene. Then, to “move” throughout the different rooms, the player actually just moves the camera. This ensures that the transition between all the rooms is seamless and the player can go back and forth as they please.

I also wanted to make sure that with each of the different rooms, only certain camera movements were possible. In this way, the player won’t be able to travel “outside” of the house. I really wanted the player to feel like they were moving throughout the house so the camera movements needed to reflect that. To make the code simpler and more readable, I used a switch case rather than lots of different if else statements.

Here’s the script that controls the camera movement.

Also, I’ve added the basic hover and button functionality for the bed. It doesn’t do anything yet but eventually, when the player clicks on the bed, it will trigger a new day and a cute little cut scene that I thought of. You’ll also be able to see a list of all the things that you made, bought, and sold during the day. Kind of like a little receipt of the day’s transactions. Oh, and also you can pet the cat now :)

I recorded a little video that shows how the game works so far. Don’t worry, those buttons are atrocious and will most definitely be changed. They’re just placeholders for now 😂 (Oh, and when I’m clicking on a button and nothing happens, that’s intentional. I’m showing that you can’t move beyond the confines of the house 😉 Also, the words showing the different rooms are obviously also just placeholders). Anyway, I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your week and I’ll keep you posted on the progress!


Inspiration is Found In Doing


And So It Begins…