And So It Begins…

I have great news! Since last week I’ve been able to make significant progress on Martian Alchemist. After spending some more time in Godot and making a few simple games, I’ve decided to go back to Unity and build Martian Alchemist in Unity instead of Godot.

The first major milestone was I was able to create the first complete room in MA! I mentioned last time that I was having a major creativity block and was unable to visualize how I wanted to make the greenhouse. Rather than spend more time on that problem, I decided to make the bedroom since this was something I had a clearer vision on. Plus I figured as I worked on the bedroom, I'd gain some inspiration for the greenhouse.

Every art asset is hand-drawn by me in Procreate and honestly I had so much fun putting the whole thing together. I first made each asset on its own and then imported them into the scene on my iPad. This way I could visualize how each asset fit in with the scene. I could figure out the layering and make sure that everything fit together. For me, doing all of this in Procreate was easier than in the engine because if I needed to change something I could just fix it right then and there without even exporting/importing it etc. etc. Below I’ve included a few time-lapses that show first the asset creation and then the assembly of the bedroom.

Once I had all of the assets made and the room assembled, I then exported that image onto my computer and into Unity. Using this image as a template, I was then able to place all the assets into the engine and assign their appropriate animations.

Here is the first scene in my Unity editor. For ease and organization, I’ve put every asset in its own Game Object. I might change that later but for now that’s how I’ve done it lol.

I still need to add a few more things: the bed needs to be clickable (it’s how you trigger the end of a day), the cat needs to be pet-able. But for the most part, this room is 90% there. I might add some particle effects to help with the ambiance but we will see.

Oh and the blue bar on the right is where the UI is going to go.

The floating hologram on the shelf will change colors depending on the season in the game so that’s another thing that I will have to add (I’ve already made the assets but I just need to write a script to swap them out in sync with the seasonal changes).

Anyway, I hope you guys had an amazing week! We’ll talk next week :)




Creativity Thrives With Constraints