Becca Bear Becca Bear

The Allure of the III

Today I wanted to talk a little about the rise of III game studios and how that has warped all of our expectations, gamers and devs alike—not to mention the rise of AAA studios as well. (As a side note, I believe that the whole gaming industry as a whole is going to change dramatically with AI, the recent layoffs in the bigger studios, and the changes brought on by Covid.) I came across…

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

Coming Soon to iOS

Hey friends! Sorry for missing last week: I was traveling and didn’t have much time to work on my game and/or write a blog. I do have big news though! Space Cats is officially done! I submitted the builds to Steam yesterday and right now I’m just waiting to hear back if it was approved or not. As soon as it’s approved, Space Cats will go live!

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

I Almost Lost Everything

First and foremost, Space Cats is now available for wishlist on Steam. I hope to have the game published and released within the next two weeks so please stay tuned.

After getting my store ready and submitted to Valve for approval, I began working on full controller support. Mostly because I want my game to be playable on the Steam Deck (I'm not bothering with other consoles right now). So after reading tons…

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

A Little Update

Hey friends. This week’s post is going to be brief but I wanted to give you a little update. I didn’t have much time to work on my game this last week but I am getting so close! I’ve mostly been working to get the game all the way finished: fixing minor/major bugs, testing responsiveness to different screens, and then finalizing everything before the final build.

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

It’s The Little Things

My game is almost done and I’m very proud of this little psychedelic space cat game that I've been working on for a little over a month. I still have to make sure that I have everything set up for release on Steam, add controller support, and eventually add mobile compatibility. But for all intents and purposes, my game is done. Let me tell you about some of the things I’m proud of:

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

The Last 10%

There’s this saying: “The first 90% of the project takes 90% of the time, and the last 10% takes the other 90% of the time.” As I've worked on the final touches of Space Cats, this saying couldn’t be more accurate. Update this to be a little bit crisper. Add the little sound effects. Polish up this bit right here. Now let’s fix our code so it doesn’t look completely like a monkey wrote it.

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Becca Bear Becca Bear


This week was the week of debugging. Once I finally got the Cat Nip Effect to work the way I wanted it to, I had to then implement it in my game and that blew up everything lol. And then, after fixing that, I had to make sure that it was working the way I intended, which then led me to discover a whole slew of bugs. But these weren’t just the normal bugs that are usually easy to diagnose and resolve. No, these are the bugs that only happen sometimes.

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

If Only I Had Known…

Hey Space Cats! I hope you guys had a wonderful week; I’ve actually had an absolute blast working away on the game. I’ve made a lot of headway: a working main menu, a pause screen, and full game functionality! Now all I have to do is make it interesting and enjoyable to play lol.

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

Space Cats

Today I am late writing. Lol. I should have composed this hours ago but I’ve been trying to maximize my productivity during business hours and now it’s after dinner and all I really want to do is relax, but I promised myself I’d be consistent with this blog. Plus, it’s not even that I don’t want to write. I have a lot of exciting things I want to share! It’s just that sometimes I’m lazy……

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

If At First You Don’t Succeed…

This week was a week of fails. Lemme tell you about my first one.

So I’m a noob motorcyclist. And although I’ve taken a motorcycle safety course and have practiced in a parking lot and have been really careful, I still have A LOT to learn. Well, the other day, I was out riding with my friend who has significantly…

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

Everything is Fine….

There's a profound anxiety pulsing among us: anxiety about the planet's climate, the economy, the election, our jobs, our future. Perhaps it's a result of the 24-hour news cycle and the chronically online nature of modern adults and adolescents, including myself. Or maybe that anxiety was there all along, past generations included; it's just that now we have a better understanding of it and are more likely to self-diagnose.

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Becca Bear Becca Bear

You Learn Bit by Bit, or Is it Byte by Byte?

I think that one of the hardest things about learning a new skill in an entirely new discipline is the sheer amount of vocabulary you have to master just to begin understanding the concepts. It can feel extremely overwhelming. Especially once you start talking with experts in the field. Imposter syndrome takes over, your insecurities are more pronounced than ever, and you feel like this is something you’re never going to master. Ever.

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Becca Bear Becca Bear


Today I turn 30. Wow. What a birthday. I feel old and young at the same time. 30 long years on this Earth. But also so incredibly short.

When I look back on the last 30 years of my life, it’s a kind of mod podge of various hobbies and interests, experiences I wish I could relive, and others I’d rather forget. But I guess that’s the point of life, right? Life is full of…

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