
This week was the week of debugging. Once I finally got the Cat Nip Effect to work the way I wanted it to, I had to then implement it in my game and that blew up everything lol. And then, after fixing that, I had to make sure that it was working the way I intended, which then led me to discover a whole slew of bugs. But these weren’t just the normal bugs that are usually easy to diagnose and resolve. No, these are the bugs that only happen sometimes. As you can imagine, those sometimes bugs can be especially frustrating because they can be especially difficult to replicate. They’re the kind where it only happens after a very specific set of random events occur, which can be maddening. And if you can’t replicate your bug, you can’t figure out where your code is breaking.

It’s amazing to me that an entire day’s work can be spent working on one simple bug fix (and by simple I mean the problem itself is simple. The solution? Not so much). And the best part is that, at least since I’m such a novice, whenever I fix one problem, I end up breaking another part of my code and so then I have to fix that lol.

Today, however, after ensuring I had at least a basic working version of my game, I ran a quick build and began the first beta testing. Everything works great! Except for my growing list of all the things to fix now 😂 But here’s a screenshot of the game so far! It’s been coming a long well and I’m proud of the work that I’ve done. I’ve learned a ton and I’m excited to continue building and fixing. And when I’m done with Space Cats, my next plan is to work on a 3D Unity game (if you have any suggestions, lmk!).

The top screen shot is the game without Cat Nip enabled and the bottom one is when the Cat Nip Effect is on. I think it’s pretty fun and I’m excited to share the whole game with you when it’s done. (Btw, I flew straight into that golden rocket right after I took this screen shot 🤣) Anyway, stay cool out there and I’ll see you guys next week.


The Last 10%


If Only I Had Known…