
Hey friends! Happy FRIDAY! Today marks a significant milestone in the progress of building Martian Alchemist! We have a greenhouse spawner! I mean, I still have a lot of work to do and there’s some quirks I need to iron out, but we have a good skeleton built finally.

The way the game works is that each day new ingredients will spawn in both the greenhouse and the mine. I haven’t built out the mine yet, but now that I have a lot of the core logic written down in my GreenhouseSpawner script, I’ll be able to reuse a lot of that for the mine. Once you harvest the ingredients (by clicking on them), they will appear in your inventory. You can then use those ingredients to concoct all sorts of different potions to sell to various customers. When you’re finished brewing for the day, you go to sleep by clicking on your bed. That triggers NewDay() which will then reset the greenhouse and the mine.

Well friends, I have the spawner pretty much all built out now! Not only do ingredients appear randomly in the various growing containers, but when you click on the bed, the greenhouse is reset and new ones appear!

Still to do:

  • Add the harvesting mechanism and animations

  • Build out the inventory logic system

  • Add all the inventory sprites (they’re already made thank goodness)

  • Add the seasonal changes to the GreenhouseSpawner logic

  • Fix minor bugs with UI in the greenhouse to make the sprites pop more

  • Adjust the sizes of some sprites so that they’re all more uniformly sized

  • Redraw a couple ingredients that I now hate the design of lmao

Anyway, I’m excited by the progress and I still have a lot to do. Overall, I think that Martian Alchemist is coming along great! Sometimes, at night when I have a hard time falling asleep my mind starts racing thinking about all the things I have to build out (the list grows exponentially every single day) but then I remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are games.

Thank you so much for all of you who are following this journey and support my blog. It really means so much to me and I hope you enjoy these updates 🥰 See you next week.


You Can’t Go Over It; You Can’t Go Through It


The Lazy Man