Balancing Creativity and Structure

Hello friends. This week I wanted to talk about optimizing content workflow. I recently listened to a podcast episode that talked specifically about how we as game devs can make our lives easier by designing systems and tools to help create the content for our games.

For those unfamiliar, content design workflow is the process of planning, creating, and refining the various elements that make up a piece of content. This could be filming, editing, and publishing YouTube videos or, in this case specifically, all of the assets and systems that go into making a game. It involves a structured approach to content creation that ensures each component works together seamlessly, making it easier to manage and update the content over time. In game development, this means designing modular systems and reusable assets that can be easily modified or expanded, reducing the workload and preventing the need for constant rework. This structured approach not only streamlines the creative process but also allows for greater flexibility and innovation as the project evolves.

It’s definitely possible to over-engineer a project, making it too modular and losing that creative, organic touch that players notice and appreciate. The challenge is finding that sweet spot between customization and efficiency. If you go too far in either direction, the game either feels robotic or becomes a nightmare to manage. My rule of thumb is simple: if I catch myself doing the same task repeatedly with minimal variation, it's a sign that I need to rethink the workflow or build a more flexible system. This way, I can keep the creative energy alive while ensuring the project stays manageable.

When I made Space Cats, I ran into a significant issue with how I had structured the catnip power-up. At the time, I didn’t design it in a modular way, so when I wanted to create a new power-up, it turned into a headache. And since this was such a small project to begin with, rather than take the time to build a new one, I scrapped the rest of my planned power-ups. This experience taught me a crucial lesson about the importance of building scalable and modular systems from the start. If I had taken a bit more time to plan the underlying structure, I could have added more power-ups and thus, expanded the amount of playable content.

Before I even started Martian Alchemist, I had this nagging fear in the back of my mind. I was worried that if I didn't build the game in a modular way from the start, I’d end up with a tangled mess of code and systems. Since I’m aiming to develop this game on a relatively quick timeline, I spent a lot of time researching how to make everything as modular and generic as possible. But honestly, this led to a bit of design paralysis, and I dragged my feet more than I’d like to admit. In this case, worrying too much about getting the systems perfect was actually holding me back from just diving in and creating.

As I finally started building Martian Alchemist, I realized that the key to overcoming this fear of making mistakes was simply to begin. No amount of research or planning can replace the learning that happens when you’re actually doing the work. By diving in and allowing myself to make mistakes, I am able to iterate quickly and refine my systems in real-time, rather than getting stuck in the planning phase (and sometimes it’s even the planning the planning phase 😂). It’s a delicate balance between planning and action, but ultimately, you have to trust that the process will guide you.

This approach has been incredibly freeing. By embracing the possibility of mistakes, I’ve been able to maintain momentum and keep the project moving forward. I’m learning that it’s okay if everything isn’t perfect from the start—what’s important is to build a solid foundation and then refine as you go. The more I work on Martian Alchemist, the more confident I become in my ability to adapt and improve the systems I’ve put in place.

And in the spirit of revision, here’s the updated Mine on the right! (No more Lava Tube which is on the left).

In the end, optimizing content workflow isn’t just about creating efficient systems; it’s about finding the right balance between structure and creativity. It’s about giving yourself the freedom to explore and experiment while still maintaining a framework that keeps you on track. As I continue to develop *Martian Alchemist*, I’m keeping this balance in mind, knowing that the work I’m doing now will not only shape this game but will also inform and improve my future projects. And really, that’s what makes this journey so rewarding—seeing the growth, both in the project and in myself, as I navigate the challenges and joys of game development.


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